The clouds were, are dark.
Symbolic? They always do that in literature. Day might've been crappy given the deadlines, emphasising on the 'dead' part. They are done with *cheer*, and I live to die another day. A Bond One Liner, haha. It's not much to look forward to, since it's not that much of an extension. Bleah.
It is in dark times that make me near-catatonic. Things always seem harder that way, in these conditions.
No, dark weather hardly fazes me. I've spent too many thunderstorms alone at home with a cup of tea to keep me company while I watch the tempest. Forces of nature they are.
"I am a patron of this play, however unwilling, not an actor. I may cheer the cast, the stage itself is forbidden to me."
I watch too much. I'd warrant a beating for all the eyes I keep open, sitting complacently and washing sweet snacks down with tea. A fine life for one so... unfine.
Because of how I was raised. The transitions of a bookworm from a book to another. I am an aberration in every sense of the word. and to whom does that title pass on to?
Draw out the Magnum.