Sunday, February 8, 2009

Nothing. Bad.

Well, nothing much to say, 'cept that another week starting. I dont know why but i fear new weeks in school. Guess is cos of the long road to TGIF you see. Oh, and somebody mentioned my being emo. Oh come on..... Im not emo! Don't take into account the seemingly scary lady in black with the weapons at the roof of my blog. She's not that much of a goth, or emo. Actually pretty moe as standards go. But maybe emotionally scarred.

Subject options, annoying if not downright worthy of dislike, as always. The usual submit-to-my-choice-or-else routine from my dad. And i realised that all the time when i obey him, its always done out of fear. But, since theres nothing new to complain, then i shall shut up and think about happy things. Hey, don't laugh! I have been happy before and i can be happy now if i want to! IN YER FACES! HAHA!

But, i wish to leave on a good note so ja ne~ =D

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