Tuesday, April 7, 2009

lag this you....

To put this one up, i really needed to i dunno....realise how lag i am in everything in general. life, i am lagging behind in life. i hate this lag business. jet lag. Blah blah. I am complaining. Uber-lagged.

Oh, what....? Hahahah. i'm laughing....!?? im forcing myself to laugh!!!??! What the fook did happen.....? I dont know..... Haha. Ahh.... insanity my old friend. Come to talk to me in the night? I'm busy talking to somebody else. I'm busy. Oh then there's the 'life guru' man. I have the displeasure of him in my dreams and his fanciful swords. And my fanciful sword eh? Oh, the dreams of life, and death. I have died in my sleepy dreams then woke up for school.

*more laughing of a wierd nature*

Here's an excuse for not doing my work, this list of stuff thing.

90. First off, what's your name?
Alwyn, or Ishige-hakase

89. What did you do last night?

88. Do you have a best friend that you can talk to 24/7?
hmm im not sure. No?

87. Do you have any siblings?

86. How many years apart is your mum and dad?
a lot.

85. Do you like someone?

84. What does the 7th message in your text inbox says?
you know,you're kinda right.

83. Who sits beside you in maths?

82. Where is your dad right now?
watching tv in his room

81. Do you burn incense?
Not at all.

80. Do you have a problem?
oh yeah. A planet-load.

Who is the 5th person you got a missed call from?

78. Closest purple object?
A Rider figurine

77. Closest silver object?

76. Closest yellow object?
chem book. I HATE CHEM!

75. Do you sing in the shower?
my shower has no life.

74. Whats bugging you right now?
oh,like 77 diff things.

73. How does your hair look right now?
too short to be normal.

72. Do you know all the words to Star Spangled Banner?
not from the states,pardner.

71. When is the last time you said the pledge of allience?

70. If you could kill someone, who would it be?
only one person? Well, a certain skinny guy with a katana.

69. Do you have any fears?
too many.

68. What do you hear now?
intense music.

67. Do you like kangaroos?
only in australia.

66. Can you roll your tongue?
thats a yes.

65. What are you wearing now?
heavy glasses, a white shirt, and shorts. and a frown,.

64. Who was the last person to message you?

63. Do you like emo kids?

62. Scremo or country?

61. Rock or rap?

60. Polka or Disco?
Disco fo shizzle

59. Flying or motorbike?
actually, how about them combined?

58. Who last called you?

57. Was your Valentine's day nice?

56. What are you doing now?
SOmething other than work

55. Who was the last person you said I love you to?
tricky question, well, Rider.

54. Would you die for someone?
Not rider,but yes for somebody else.

53. Would you date anyone from your work?
I dont work, so i wont know.

52. Do long distance releationships work?
no i think its screwed up.

51. Do you have any pet peeve?
quite so.

50. Do you have to pee now?

49. When did you last talk to your siblings?
3 weeks ago

48. What are you doing tomorrow?
home work and prac. i hate them both.

47. Do you worry about getting older?
all the time,

46. Have you ever had an ingrown toenail?

45. Do you pick your scabs?
when under stress.

44. Ever drink your blood?
its for cleaning the blood off my wounds if i have them.

43. Do your bandaids have cartoons over them?
dont use them,cos i dont have them

42. Do you bite your nails?
they're too hard to bite....

41. Do you wax your eyebrows?
no,i saw this guy who did it and he looks like a freak.

What the hell happened to 40? 0.o

39. Do you check CelexPox.com for celebrity gossip?
the're celebs, i dont care.

38. Do you have a jar where you keep your loose change?
no its all over the place

37. Do you own a pogo stick?
never once.

36. Ever gone a whole day without eating something?
i daresay yes.

35. Do you own ripped jeans?
not yet.

34. What makes you mad?
many things.

33. What would you do if you find out your adopted?
nothing would change really. I think i am anyway.

32. Are you jealous a lot of the time?
too much,yeah.

31. Do you use a calender or day planner to schedule everything on?
going to,but i procrastinate.

30. Are you OCD?
no cos i heck care.

29. Do you have ADD?
i suspect....

28. Do you have low self esteem?
its low all right.

27. Who can make you laugh during your hardest time?
nobody. i force my laughter.

26. What was the last thing you watched on tv?
well, it was the simpsons.

25. When was the last time you had professional pictures taken?
never before.

24. Have you done a whitening treatment on your teeth?
a year ago,yes.

23. Whats your favourite movie?
Letters From Iwo Jima

22. Who do you love?
definitely not myself. of course it has to be a girl.

21. Whats playing on your mp3 player right now?

20. What holiday is your birthday closest to?
China Day! haha

19. Whats your favourite drink?
Green tea.

18. Do you own any big sunglasses?

17. Bed sheet colour?

16. Ever encountered a shark?
in my dreams,yes.reality,sorry but no.

15. Has anyone sing or played for you personally?
yes,to my embarassment

14. Have you ever bungee jumped?
i havent.

13. Where was the last place you went to beside your house?
the printing shop.

12. Whats the first thing you notice about the same sex?
their obsession with being buff.

11. Is it hard to express your feelings to someone?

10. Why are people such self centred beings?
coming from a cynic, its because they know not love as it should be, and they dont care about learning about others.

9. Are you sad?

8. Are you happy?

7. Favourite day of the year?
my birthday.

6. Have you ever licked someone's cheek?
oh no.

5. Watched all spiderman movies?

4. What are you looking forward to?

3. Favourite lucky charms marshmallow?
no i dont know this.

2. Have you ever ridden in a limo?

1. Do you want to get married.
yes, but not now and not to someone i dont like.

I tag whoever that wants to do it.

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