Friday, May 8, 2009

Blue is the night sky. Cool moon, btw.

Just the calcium. Gotta love it. One week. Over. I'm tired. Not enough, anyway.

Finally, the end to writer's block. Long weekend = more writing. Got my characters down, now i would like to draw. Very cool, i think. Ego, heheh. I'm a hypocrite. Sue me then... I think my characters are kick ass. Boooyea. Not your usual spiky-haired-cool-Cloud-esque guys, at least for some. Some other guy characters seem quite Cloud-like, while some arent. And yeah, female characters, hmmm i say theres a variety. Evil and jealous, or just silent and dutiful. And pretty, for some.

Empty halls, blood, and erm. Vampires? Morbid me..... Night is so..... nighty. My kinda environment. I need more cool inspirational stuff.

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