Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I realised, while blog surfing

Looking back on something, i realise something that i seemed to have missed out. Turns out...

...That fate could end up different, namely revolving around a very simple set of tools or everyday materials. Yes. Just one thing,maybe, while i would try to think up other sortsa stuff,while it was right in front of me all along.

How an animal makes a step into humanity, or even demi-godhood as with the likes of Greek myth (Medusa, Medea, Thesus, Achilles). How that could have happened, with just a little bit of SiO2 and polymered hydrocarbon. Might wanna throw in Fe, Al, or Ti if you like.

Alas, fate is fate. I cant do anything about it, so there. Time to go...

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