Monday, July 13, 2009

ever the techophobe.

I happened to chance on my old blog, just a little glimpse of the past. It's shut down for now. And i remember how silly the layout looked, just gawdy coloured. Not that it matters now. Chronicling the somewhat vague memories of late 08, for a not so long but eventful period.

It shouldnt be a suprise that I'm being scolded and stuff. I have a right to be scolded like this, from a certain point of view. just...carry on lah.

The question of responsibilities and silly shit can....only be seen...much much later. Please may I do reasonably well for whatever exams (however pointless). and to you mindless drone, you oversentient cyborg, i flip my middle finger at you.i hope to prove you wrong and dismantle you.that'd put machines in their rightful,granted place.end of story.

maybe i should dedicate my life to God Almighty and hunt down deranged, self-aware, oversentient bio-mechanical beings with a bunch'a holy swords and guns. me, ever the technophobe.

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