Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Kinetics - 1st order

I never ever knew from the start of this year,that I'd be staring right at these exams that are just oh so close. I never knew problems of that sort would be this close - and threatening.

I'd never also have thought of asking a stranger's help. I suppose we all do help each other out of general nice-ness, but can my selfish favours be justified? I really view them as selfish.

And meanwhile.

It's the invincibility, or the feeling of it. You feel so invincible. Nothing can ever get you down. Circumstances that once looked bleak now are shining down upon you their golden rays of opportunity. The motherlode of confidence in a future so graciously assured. The cost came not from you. This 'extra happiness' had to be from a donor. The sacrificial shedding of the pure Third blood invoked power - power enough to seal the joy for an eternity. Just so good... The feeling of this security, this elation and drive to do well, because somebody is standing there of free will, of free, unbridled and requited love.

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