Monday, November 23, 2009

A man's home is not his castle. Heck, it's not even a home at all.

I sincerely hope to be left alone. I sincerely hope to be myself. I sincerely hope to have no violence between us both.

But alas, why then am I armed to the teeth in my own home? Having two pairs of scissors concealed on person, as if i'm some sort of hunter. Having to devise my Houdini-esque escape plans out of my own home. A trail to escape through my own house set with 'conveniently' placed household items to stall the offensive advance towards me so that I may escape. Why all this?

It's f**king because you hate the humanities. To slam down humanities, but uplift and glorify the sciences. I dont know how it makes sense. How I am swearing now... because its beyond frustrating.

You say : Render unto Ceaser (actually you right???)

I do not render. I render to God what's His, and that's all at that.

Let He who is without sin cast the first stone. John Chp 8 V 7

So why are you so quick to anger and attack?

Only He has no sin. Will he throw the stone? But cue His grace. No stones to be thrown by Him.

I truly am a person of questionable morals, given my... 'tendencies'. But I have my codes as well as any other self-respecting genteelman.

"Cast in the name of the Lord - Ye Not Guilty."

I do have a right to self-defense, as all humans equally are courtesy of God. I am not guilty of any possible hurt to an attacker, but I hold back as much as I can. I may respect and condone voluntary hurt or even manslaughter in the cause of self-denfense, but life is sacred. I see no justification for bullying, or harm to an innocent and defenceless. Justify thy action well.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Call it undisputed victory on one hand. (Clutch you your wedding dress and broadsword)

On the other hand, it is still debatable.

I must've looked real off rocker this weekend, tramping around in boots and a jacket, badassitude yandere to a certain extent.

Still, the country air's done its very best job relaxing me and healing me. It's like how they send celeb crackheads to rehab. Wonderful rehab.

I'm random and it could be the candlelight burning just a few feet away, but i think cassocks are handsome-looking to put on. Yukatas might count too...

Monday, November 16, 2009

read of the devil.

read of the devil. seriously. And how so scary that was.

Thanks be to God and the Indian ocean which He created.

No better way to convince one to give up and truly pursue their passions for what they are.

Humble, yet lawfully mechanical and cruel. methodical, just like a mad scientist at work... vivisecting and preserving. That does not impress me, it 1) puts me off my dinner 2) scares the hell out of me.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Right this very moment, I hear my father defending his decision to have me do damned science to my sis-in-law. Lies, lies, lies. He think I am uncertain, so for the sake of some certainty, have the son to Science (say with an extra-gay sarcastic voice on it). And how Arts and Humans are so frigging useless.

So i am brainless, is it? All the more shouldnt I give up *Science*?

The cruel part is in using reverse psychology and coercion. How many rights have been violated in my childhood-less life now? I Dont know. too many to count.

I have only one creed in my life, regarding my studies and future. It's at the bottom of the post. I'll go on with my 'low-class' living in a humans course, then. I want my life. I want my life back.


Friday, November 13, 2009


Yet another one....

3rd yandere fit, only 8 hours after the last.

Yet another one has carelessly wandered into a death trap. Or should i say, a list rather than a trap.

I am ever the heretic to challenge society's rules. The ends definitely justify the means, right here for this case. I shall care not anything else.


Had 2 yandere fits in the last 2 days...

Put it simply: 5 man band, unlucky childhood friend, face heel turn.

Well, I can finally put all the work behind me. It's a great environment to write.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

This is Avalon.

A man's brother's house is his castle.

No better castle than one where you can finish your work in peace, and later write when one is done with submissions of 2 essays. life is somewhat cruel... but invite some optimism in i guess... not overdone or blind optimism. Level-headed is key. gives you all the common sense you need.

They dont call it ChinaTown for no good reason after all. Nice place, it. Did it encourage me in any way? Maybe, but maybe not. I have my reasons for my wishes. I hope they arent too selfish. I'm being selfish by being self-conscious. Both involve the self, dont they?

I'm thinking of another cool quote to use. Suggestions anyone?

Friday, November 6, 2009


Certainly feel bad about it, but somehow this wasn't up to me. I grapple with fears and the like, but I admit to having to balance all accounts and look out for myself in some way.

And that does count some writing for free time, when i have it. Here goes, another 'trailer of sorts':

We live in a dark time. We took all those times, those peaceful times that the people have sacrificed so much for; we took them for granted. They came very much like a storm, itself a force of nature led by a force of nature. They pillage and they extort at their leader's behest. And the foul leader now sits on a very powerful throne, all thanks to his trickery and deceit.

And our line is the prime target, the prime suspect. Now we are reduced to hiding even our names. But what else would we have done? Our house has always watched over the world in peace and war, and this dark time shall never be an exception.

How long shall it come to pass before the last remaining members of our line die at the hands of these invaders from the north and most of all their syphilitic leader? For his flaws and eccentricities, he is nigh-omnipotent. I have seen him crush down the most skilled members of our house in the first clash itself - testament to his claim of being a force of nature, wielding power over life and death. There is none now who can challenge him, not even I the callow youth.

I am pondering.

None now, but what of then? We all think it's crazy, but I have faith in the progenitors from long past. We owe our existence to them, and will owe our salvation to them likewise. We need someone who is capable of keeping up with, and taking down the co-ordinator of this nightmare.

I wish the best fortune to our last and best hope.