Thursday, May 21, 2009


I'd never expect so many misfortunes at once. Barbarians and evil intelligent villians DO NOT GO HAND IN HAND. i don't like scary barbarians with tattoos and wicked weapons and roaring battlecries. Be glad that it's gonna be friday. Weekend and i can go read the latest manga chapters.

They say count your blessings, old people n' all.
So young ones as i am will blindly go.
I've counted my blessings, my gifts -
from life and from pain.

Fear gave me wings. I flew.
Anger gave me strength temporal. I blew.
Hopelessness gives me a struggle. I try.
Love gave me nothing. I die.

Give me something good to write, some inspiration. My gift to whom my trusted friends are. A story as only the deeply-insane can make. Who knows? My inner self told me this, as qoted by gandalf. Fly, you fool!

p.s. i just need more cas hours.

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