Thursday, February 18, 2010

hardly royal a goodbye

We have realised the pointlessness of sapience, of intelligence so great that it's become some sort of family heirloom to be shown off. Why do we think so damn much? Our mind, why doth it not rest and numb itself? That it takes just so much hard liquor to still it in mere temporary stupor?

Our traumatic experiences can be used to bless other people, as we have discussed with ourselves and others. We have been through a lot in one year, enough for us to tell off with renewed vigour anyone whoever dares to lay their hands on our niece's future.

We have to say to the scientific disciplines: F _ _ K YOU. You ruined our lives, and yet in the ruin we have forged only means to escape. Escape is not the end, just the means to an end.

The world is a corrupt and sad place. We grasped long ago the pointlessness of using hope as a means. We are a jaded personality(ies). shirk of us our responsibilities. we were born to subvert, anyway.

We are badly shocked at the fakeness of many things that surround us. Good? we think not. So fake, so disgusting and foul. We have well and truly shamed ourselves trying to make those comparisons last time, we truly have. If thou'st to be 'good' then get real. No 'good' person does that. A 'good' person is...

quiet, modest, urbane, well-mannered, most importantly quiet.

we are tired, and afraid.

In our mind -
She speaks on behalf of the fool who is hardly cynical enough.

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