Thursday, February 26, 2009


Aptly named, his existence and personality and looks were an irony to his name. He felt that he only knew how to disappoint. He disappointed others, he disappointed himself. He thought that moths were pretty, not butterflies. He was everything he did not want to be. Or was it? Descended into a tunnel of nihilism. Hopeless.

I came in and saw the armies come too. I never conquered, though. I'm not Julius Caesar. Im just, maybe lowly Sima Yi?

Monday, February 23, 2009


Knowing that I blogged less these days, it's no suprise that there will inevitably be a lot more things in this one post. More specifically, the 20th post.

Its been.... a week maybe? Ok. So I have seen a lot of things. Maybe I should have known, that even the most hard-headed of people fall to stealthed movements of the tongue. Should I think yet again? Poor is the one who cast off his last coin. On purpose cos he'd rather have a $50 note. Ok.... Some analogy. Some analogy.

To see death, or just plain emo casualties. That's the pirce for my future. That's the price i have to pay for pleasing my father. That's the price for finding out the things that stay unknown. That is the price for self-gain. That's the price for takin a risk. That's the price for science. The price - great loss. For even the weak come, the weak shed their blood and others' too. The sky is never as it was the way I liked it. The colours of red and orange and purple and pink and vermillion i miss. And in the end, a red ocean, bloody and unfishable. The bodies of the fallen, the arrows flying from their bows, they all block my way. The wounded, they need help; the victims they need help; the help I should give (should I?). As I stumble and drown in my lifeblood, I realise the truth that was taught not - I have lost.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


It's an ever present feeling to fight for what one percieves as right. even now my hand trembles as it tries to control itself. Trying to control the rage that will not even work cos I dont know who its actually for.

In short, pretty knife GOOD. Villian BAD. Equation: someone has it coming. NOthing personal, but... I am that sorta person to do countering for other friends.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Nothing. Bad.

Well, nothing much to say, 'cept that another week starting. I dont know why but i fear new weeks in school. Guess is cos of the long road to TGIF you see. Oh, and somebody mentioned my being emo. Oh come on..... Im not emo! Don't take into account the seemingly scary lady in black with the weapons at the roof of my blog. She's not that much of a goth, or emo. Actually pretty moe as standards go. But maybe emotionally scarred.

Subject options, annoying if not downright worthy of dislike, as always. The usual submit-to-my-choice-or-else routine from my dad. And i realised that all the time when i obey him, its always done out of fear. But, since theres nothing new to complain, then i shall shut up and think about happy things. Hey, don't laugh! I have been happy before and i can be happy now if i want to! IN YER FACES! HAHA!

But, i wish to leave on a good note so ja ne~ =D

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Like a person with 2 sore fingers

Hmmm, is two fingers sprained a good sacrifice? Yeah.... I guess. Just heal to make up for it. But, no smsing or gaming with two sore fingers then. Small loss. But wait, then how am i typing? Whoa i heal fast. Im impressed! Thats healing factors for you. Wish everybody had it in them.

I did promise previously a poem. So ~

If you were a monster in recent night
The unmentionables anywhere in your skull
May prove that, firstly, life ain't dull
This is normal normal do not fright.
For gone are your halycon days of old.

If you were led to conflict shameful shameful
Make your valiant stand for whate'er reason be
But heed this: None else 'cept your foe must see
And keep to heart in chest, Be good and blissful.
Cos' a good heart to fellow person makes black and white.

When you are done with the rigors countless
And when you have loved and accepted that monster;
That in your eyes is perfection deserved of that monster.
Carry on the good example - be kind and selfless.
For then is any heart satisfied, wholly, whatsoever comes.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Chaotic Good

Well, now I FEEL like a JC student now. Yayy.

But the first 2 weeks will HURT. Legs froze up today and fell head over heels. Like my legs turned to stone. 0.o must be somebody's doing 'hint, hint'.

And i think i need to change my blog url soon. Getting bored of it.... And they say im random, SO TRUE! And i like it.. Just as one might like good stuff.
Like good stuff happening to them, lottery, da da da....

And I realised... Fate/stay night IS EDUCATIONAL in some way. Seriously, i am studying two books based on 2 characters. Medea and Cu Chulainn. or Caster and Lancer. No Perseus vs Medusa though. It would have been too gory. =(

I would be writing a poem, but im lazy and uninspired. Oh, and poetry isnt soppy and all mushy. there are people who do overkill on the mushiness. Same as how i overkilled on the cheng yu in chinese compo last year for mid year. Epic failed. Lolol... But this year i will resolve to not epic fail anything. But i will have other agendas, so please, people, =D, Lay back on calling me a book worm. Hehehe.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

15 posts

So this is the 15th post...

Let's just say that maybe things are not what my parents say to be. Let's also say that poetry needs skill to write.

School last much longer these days.... Shouldnt something be done about the hours?
Or its in my head too. What a joke life is. But actually, life made an improvement here. Sweet. Sweet.

But i cant stop feeling bored now....

Lets wait for something to do then....!