Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Sunday drabble. It has meaning, though.

Here is how you make investments.

I was curious, I was bored. I was tricked, maybe. It was friday afternoon.

Difference lies all in how you say it so. And toys for tai-tais. SPeak of such things. How strange.

Pity cant be squeezed out of the spongy people, after much is used up. This is a competition to you only. That alone makes fear in the prize. I cant stop thinking. I cant stop dreaming. Only through much may a chance be taken.

The way my name is mispronounced. The way that I become a mere investment rather than a human. The way people dear to me get looked down upon and hurt. It is nothing at all, compared to the sky. The sky's the limit. And the sky's the best limit (in a certain sense). And with Him, there is no other limit.

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