Friday, May 29, 2009

A post so long it will lag you.

Slacked off in school, and i'm trying to mentally prep myself for wow. Wow, ever a nightmare to sivilised folks. lol. i cant wait to finish this and return to sivilisation as Huck finn puts it. egad, hillbilly. I still got so much to do....!!!!

Spam vidoes, that it lags the comp.

HitsuHina ftw! is purely <3 not so much a fan of the Hitsumoto. lol. shotacon alert!

This is ShunNan. Also a very cute bleach shipping! Librarian/secretary and slacked-off hippy dude. Kawaii.


I want to post somethign on DA, but looks like i have to go. Tmr morning then.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


i can say today went on slack with the group 4 project. Thank you everybody who helped one another out. finished school early, so i gtfo'ed before anybody could catch me. So get home scot free and yadda yadda yadda. Now with all the flu hype and wow just a day away. I'm awful in a mess. It's so so so bad.

I should have just died.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thoughts in a Toilet

I gave madam an excuse, and stumbled off to the toilet next door.
Within, the fortune of solitude worth a million.
A cough, and the silver and glass looked a Cthulu.
The redeeming ebony of matured intellect ever visible to all.
What have I done? Only thrill that the fleeing know too well
Upped my confidence, forklifted my spirits ever low and heavy.
I gave a whoop of laughter, ringing thru the hygiene hall.


Officially, i must take back everything i said between the hours of 6.30am and 7.30am. I am ashamed. I was this close. This close.

A victory has been won against death, in the midst of the falling rain of Emo Mood. It's just a battle, not the war. Reminds me of the old poem i wrote: 'DEATH at One-Two-Oh-Oh Hours'. 'Cept, it was One-Three-Oh-Oh Hours this tiem round. Sequels, sequels.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The world around me is - Emo.

We all live in an emo submarine
emo submarine
we all live in an emo submarine

Me and my old musical tastes. Yep, it looks like we all are living in 1 big emo submarine. I see emo posts, very often these few days. Can't say i'm not posting emo, eh? That would make me a hypocrite! Yes, even it gets to me.

It is hard to narrate all the emo stuff related to me, its just too much. Alternatively, one could say i still hide a lot. so, what you see here, is super-toned down sortsa emo stuff. Even if the blogskin is black. what's ppl got against black blogskins? with right fonts and designs, it looks good wad.

Back to more emo, heheh. I am making SUCH a joke of myself just about now. I'm scared of science, i'm scared of my father's decisions, and i'm scared of other things else (unable to cram into here). I simply quail, and quail and quail. I'm shivering as the hoarse heathen cries pry their way into my ears. And how all that is related to me buckles and falls, then i think i am a failure, as do all the other emo ppl.

I wish and salute everyone of my friends who are emo; that u guys all feel lifted and better, out of whatever that may be emo-ifying us all. to walk a little taller. May it be, that we can all live in a yellow submarine. Beatles, ftw. As do all other music i like too. (I'm not that old fashioned.)

p.s.I re-involved myself with shipping, again. Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling pushing for the cute pairings i favour...even if i dont get shipped, for real. Hitsuhina, Uryhime, Shunnan, Lenallen, ArcheRin, SakuRider, Naruhina. all ftw.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Yeah, yeah.

could as well count today as not suay yay. no sciences expect 40 mins of chem. Gosh, why do i hate my subjects so much? Why did i take them? Just so my dad can mae a Dilbert out of me. For me to have no life, to get stuck in rat races in the coporate world?

Ah well, i dint get into trouble today, so i can say its a good break, at last. For your viewing pleasure, folks.

and, a poem, maybe?

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I'd never expect so many misfortunes at once. Barbarians and evil intelligent villians DO NOT GO HAND IN HAND. i don't like scary barbarians with tattoos and wicked weapons and roaring battlecries. Be glad that it's gonna be friday. Weekend and i can go read the latest manga chapters.

They say count your blessings, old people n' all.
So young ones as i am will blindly go.
I've counted my blessings, my gifts -
from life and from pain.

Fear gave me wings. I flew.
Anger gave me strength temporal. I blew.
Hopelessness gives me a struggle. I try.
Love gave me nothing. I die.

Give me something good to write, some inspiration. My gift to whom my trusted friends are. A story as only the deeply-insane can make. Who knows? My inner self told me this, as qoted by gandalf. Fly, you fool!

p.s. i just need more cas hours.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Basic anime

a quick little review on new game Bleach Heat the Soul 6.

New character: Septima Espada Zommari Leroux

This guy makes my gaming life hell. Cheats and cheats and cheats. he's tough on defense, and helluva fast for some big dumb buff bodybuilder martial artist guy. Owned my fav characters for the game and humiliated me. He shall never be forgiven. I practice on him and beat him up as best as i can, cos he's that annoying.>=(

Sad how they dont have ulqiourra's release. there's always bleach 7, hopefully with full espada roster with releases. stpuid old men/lich-kings.

once i get bleach hts 7, whoa yeah..... this senile bastard's gonna get it from me..... cant wait to see his (f)ugly face so i can poke out his remaining eye and do a victory dance. on his old arthritic back. then send him in a wheelchair (paralysed from the neck down) to 'old people happy paradise home for the aged' and stuff. hah.

that's a wrap for now. i shall put up a walkthrough for the game if anybody wants.
now,school awaits. to my utter disappointment.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


saga by Mad-Mangaka Ishige

just an exile, just a holiday.
just a whisper, just some tea.
realise,and understand. enjoy.
sleep... a story first...
and tomorrow the red land is red -
literally. climbing up and up and up.
a fan in the hand and a sword in the heart;
an enemy is dead. the rest run and
resting the unlikely both,
unaware. hand to mouth, that's what;
only later will bloody nights fall at the end.
at the end they were caught
in the fangs of the conflict.
when vampires have returned.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

a romantic interlude.

wishing Yuki and Ice happy anniversary. And happy seventeenth to ice-kun, at the same time. You are smart.... very smart. stay together thru it all, you two.

the garrison.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Its right at the end

On a random note, this blog now has 21 more posts than my old one. My old blog.... Whats there to say of it? It's dead for good. It held old painful memories. It held the writings of a divided mind, of an utterly confused and near-schizophrenic person. That person, was Yours Truly. Wasn't expecting that weren't you all?

To put it simply what happened, I went on a hike to Bukit Timah hill. Tiring, leaves my ankles all cramped. And i think my right wrist too. I can still draw, in fact i designed a notebook cover yesterday. I think, it looks great. heheh. Now onto writing. Breaks in writer's block are hard to come by these days, thanks to homework. Now, did i forget anything?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Just in want of something.

This looks waaaaay cool. it's Ciel of Tsukihime fame. Somebody help me get this!!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Damnable words.

I might, or might not know who exactly said that to you. But i wish them not to happen, evar. May it light forever. No taint, no tears. No pain. This, for you, is where the pained road ends. New beginnings. New beginnings call for new road. This new one, just is good all long. I am glad to know, that at least, i did do something good for others after all. Even if it was once through something just so damnably damnable. So... full of time's passing. Ahh. Free will, blessing and curse. Altruistic on my part, or ethical egoism? I want to say altruistic. Really want to.

Day and night.. But i pick night. The night sky is beautiful.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Blue is the night sky. Cool moon, btw.

Just the calcium. Gotta love it. One week. Over. I'm tired. Not enough, anyway.

Finally, the end to writer's block. Long weekend = more writing. Got my characters down, now i would like to draw. Very cool, i think. Ego, heheh. I'm a hypocrite. Sue me then... I think my characters are kick ass. Boooyea. Not your usual spiky-haired-cool-Cloud-esque guys, at least for some. Some other guy characters seem quite Cloud-like, while some arent. And yeah, female characters, hmmm i say theres a variety. Evil and jealous, or just silent and dutiful. And pretty, for some.

Empty halls, blood, and erm. Vampires? Morbid me..... Night is so..... nighty. My kinda environment. I need more cool inspirational stuff.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


The place is getting dark.

Doesn't help that i happen to be playing hymn-esque music. Reminds you of one of those basilicas or cathedrals in Rome and stuff. But its kinda cool to see the solemn halls - eh,i think im going crazy/random. Yet again.

French traditions, i think I like French names, they sound realy cool. Not the usual names, but the more rare names. Sounds very kickass. Kickass French stuff. Swords. I feel inspired. Bye block. Heheh. Cool ^^

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I realised, while blog surfing

Looking back on something, i realise something that i seemed to have missed out. Turns out...

...That fate could end up different, namely revolving around a very simple set of tools or everyday materials. Yes. Just one thing,maybe, while i would try to think up other sortsa stuff,while it was right in front of me all along.

How an animal makes a step into humanity, or even demi-godhood as with the likes of Greek myth (Medusa, Medea, Thesus, Achilles). How that could have happened, with just a little bit of SiO2 and polymered hydrocarbon. Might wanna throw in Fe, Al, or Ti if you like.

Alas, fate is fate. I cant do anything about it, so there. Time to go...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Some short post for a long weekend >.<

I spent some time in quiet remembrance of the past, a little more than my usual daily 'ration',lol at that. Yes, some friends say that i think too much, about past things. Could it be? I'm not very sure, but i might have lost something. a piece of dvice well taken, quite some time ago. That's something i remember. Should it matter? Most friends will say - Non!