Thursday, April 30, 2009

Long weekend hurray.

makes for 51 posts now...

I don't know what i should do with this long weekend... What with all this C & B and being so high-strung this whole week....I seem to be losing my 'life', making me no-life le..... that is not good. jiu ming. ahh..... i need to get a life this weekend.

Weightless clothes are useless, as some agree.
But who said anything about medieval?
When a look of disdain you cast, think it thru;
cos you might change your mind later. And not regret.
Praise severity worn outside but not in heart.
As a chilli scorches, thats how things go - nature.
Thank God for it, curse only when you stray off nature.
To my friends i pray: suffer not more than i did. Bless ya'll -
As the curtain closes so must my words - and another thing else.
Maybe not...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Here's to violet-haired blog guardians.

1 week ago, i thought i needed to hide my stuff. I didn't have to. Now, one week later, I do need to hide my stuff. And hide it well. My phone, now needs to be used to minimum when my dad is around. How do the days go with more and more bad luck, faster than a tongue can lash a single four letter word. How do the rules at home get so strict, over an ia?

But, i have planned in advance. It's hidden away, all my stuff. But, i guess. My dad won't consider a 5-inch+ tall figurine of a violet-haired girl in a tube-dress an 'unnecessary distraction on the same level as smsing/watching anime' or anything right? so i guess my Rider figurine can still stand proud next to the comp. Nor will he seem to care about a blonde knight girl on my desk haha. *triumphs* Cheers to Rider, guardian of my blog wahahah...!

Can't say that i'm that bad off, if i can make up for it with tactical brain power, and God's love. Optimism, very charming. a gift may it be, even to cynical and disillusioned people like myself. I like it.

Monday, April 27, 2009

I hate mondays.

Its all about the money, isn't it? Screw materialism. I will never call myself a successful person if I were to do some science crap and then go on to be an asshole father and husband. I will call myself a success, if only I were to deviate totally from the sick family-raising 'values' I experienced. Regardless of what career I take. I might do science, yes, or a humans. But that will not change how I view success, according to the How-Much-Of-An-Asshole-To-Your-Family-Are-You? Index. I will quote sick puppies on you, the song to damn all that is valued in Asian civilised culture. Confucius, eat your heart out. The old ones of this age no longer know truly what you have taught. No parent deserves the full rights over every part of their children's life, much as respect was concerned. Respect, as thought by Kong Zi, must always flow both ways. A parent's desire to correct a child must be done with consideration and respct for his or her well-being. Self-righteousness, not at all. I don't believe in self-righeous stuff. You are not always correct you know... Suspicions that I have dishonoured my parents with lack of effort in studies due to a girlfriend? *spits* Turns out, knowing nothing at all about my personal life, of what really happened.

Mongolia ftw. Attila the Hun. Nobody matches to him in his spirit. He lived, simply for himself. Freedom, a dream of that portion of mankind who isn't afraid. A dream i see, in Mongolia.

Here's a heroic couplet, sorta... In honour of... Something i guess.

And so they retreated to Mongolia of which none knows in excess.
To Mongolia where a Gorgon reigns as princess.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

One weekend, over. Haizz

More ia. Damn. Just for once I'd like to see it flushed down a toilet and stuff. But that would get me in trouble with my dad (for clogging up the pipes) and my teachers(for obvious reasons no?).

At least, i found my ee books that i need, so a good thing liao. Its good for some poeple when they can come to terms with their past, don't it? I need help remembering what i need to do...

Friday, April 24, 2009

11pm, local time; 2am, Ishige's time

Know what? miracles do happen. Wootx.

Chem test got postponed, buying me more time to study. yay. yay. yay some more. It was nap time in the afternoon when i got back, but i'm sleepy again. Do our weekends even exist? Bleah, i need to skive some work to relax. Don't care liao. Plan to write/draw tmr morn. if not i might just go crazy.

Anyway -

Pretty song. watch if u must. anybody wants it, then i will send it over. Listen to it, and think yourself to a dreamy sleep. (WARNING:RESULTS WILL VARY) Good night...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

plz no more liao

I am feeling so very not up to standard. So full.... Gah. More caseetokia. I dont want anymore.... plz. Chem test tmr, and i am dead. again. Or do miracles happen? There are some things i have to be thankful for, anyway. Really. Optimism, always the charm.

All done out of boredom:

1. Spell your name without an E,R,S,H,K,I,M,L,C,A,Y,N,T,B

2. Are you single?

3. What is your favourite number?
11, 12 or 14

4. What is your favourite color?
Black, or gold.

5. Least favourite color?
toxic green. Like fungus sorta green

6. What are you listening to now?
Sky chord

7. Are you happy with your life right now?

8. Are you involved with anyone?
ahh. no.

9. What is your favourite subject in school?

11. Do you have money?
im broke.

12. Where do you wish you were right now?
Mongolia, riding non-stop.

13. If you had to get a tattoo, where would you want it? and what would it be?
hmm. on forearm, with rider's symbol.

Can you blow a bubble?
easier said than done

Can you do a cart wheel?

Can you touch your toes?

Can you wiggle your ears?

Can you touch your tongue to your nose?

Did you ever want to be a doctor?

Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?

Did you ever want to be a teacher?

Do you like roller coasters?
hmm. sorta.

Do you own a bike?

Do you play the lotto?

Do you like watching football?
its long enough to drop me.

Does your wallet have any pics in it?

Last person you hung out with?
ehh. forgot.

Last car ride?
3 days ago.

Last baby you held?
2 years ago, my nehpew.

What was the last thing you bought?
a slurpee

What was the last thing you had drink?
some wierd herbal tingy.

What was the last thing you watched?
music video.

What was the last thing you read?
chemistry. argh

What was the last thing your hand wrote?


Who last talked to you on the phone?
my mum

Who was the last person you took a picture of?
my class.

Last person to leave you a comment?
yeah, my teachers.

Who do you miss right now?
my bro,maybe.

Who last hugged you?
well, TRIED TO, but did not, was serene.

What colour shirt are you wearing?

Have any tattoos?

Have you any piercings?

Straight hair or curly?

Where are you right now?

Failed a class test?
Not too long ago.

Sang in front of a crowd?
well, after pe today, in front of a crowd of 4 ppl.

1. In a relationship? no
2. Want a relationship? not too soon....or not.
3. Wanna get married? could be..

2. Chem test arrrgh.
3. panic.
4. regret.

When was the last time you really laughed?
maybe some days ago.

Do you drink milk straight from the carton?
not too often

Who knows a big secret about you?
i dunno.

How long is your hair?

When was the last time you sang out loud?

What did you have for breakfast?
A slice of bread.

Is your birthday on a holiday?

What instant messaging service do you use?

Are you signed on it right now and if so, who are you talking to?
signed on, but nobody.

Can you cook?

Did you have a nap today?
in chinese.

What do you wear more, jeans or sweats?

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
erm giordano i think.

Do you have any regrets?
Yea, a lot.

Do you use an alarm clock?

Where was your default Facebook picture taken?
it was a scan.

What's the first thing you notice of the opposite sex?
maybe height.

Who would you like to see right now?
a psychologist.

Are you a social or antisocial person?
social yet antisocial.

Have the cops ever come to your house?
not yet....

Do you have a tan?
natural, thank genetics. yuk.

Ever had braces?
no thankfully.

Are you afraid of the dark?
enough to sleep with a stick nearby.

Have you ever been in a mosh pit?

What's your favourite commercial at the moment?
i hate commercials anyway.

Do you always wear your seat belt?

Who of the opposite sex do you have feelings for?
takes a long time for things to go away.

Do you like American Idol?

How do you feel about piercings and tattoo?
not bothered for any.

Do you believe that what comes around goes around?
It depends

What is your favorite fruit?
apples maybe.

Does anyone love you?
shouldn't be.

Where is one place you want to visit?

Have you ever crawled through a window?
done that before.

Are you a morning person or a night person?

Are you a forgiving person?
maybe too much of a forgiving person.

Ever had a drunken night in Mexico?

Who was the last person to smoke a cig in your presence?
some guy at the bus stop.

Are you taller than 5'6?

Ever threw up?

Ever had a crush on a teacher?
yucks no.

Ever been punched in the face?

Ever punch someone?

thanks everybody. good night.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


btw, the title is the acronym for a song. about hitler. i am so random.

Much better.

I learnt something, not very long ago. Its from other's experience. I'd have come very very close to something similar, but thankfully not. Thanks. Anyway, it was different for me, yeah. Glad. Phew. Barf.

Nothing much to complain about today, fufufu, that means a bunch'a hapy readers then. I have managed to come up with some stuff for my novel, but i have this to say still:

Still blocked.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Yeah-yeah, part 2 aka Unlimited Home Works

I am back. No diabolical doctors can stop me. Ah well, i say. I'm not quite good for appetite today so, I'm not really into the mood for eats. But for a sentence escaped, i say: SO WORTH IT MAN! to think i had to hide my psp and phone. I dont need to now! Thats the faith for ya. Woots.

But, i cant believe all this mess, this C and B, was caused by IA. No tokens for the guess lah. IA. The Insane Asswipe-stuff. Nah, oh heck. Putting this straight, IA, you are the Holocaust in paper form. Seriously. CAS, is the Great Flood of Noah, in paper form, that literally floods you. And TOK is like Fat Man and Little Boy given form in paper. Superweapons ahoy. TMD, i am so sick of talking about this every day.

Need to draw.... A Cute couple....


The request, no, command was irrevocable and absolute. I knew that was an immediate death sentence. The rest looked on, knowing that I was to be made an example. I knew of that, but i knew something else too, that alone gave me courage to continue standing, and glaring in silent defiance. And hence, the numbers of death went off, one by one. Exchange of thoughtful and repressive words. Shock(?) and anger. The death sentence has just been set.

To add to this, imagine somebody who resembles the WItch from L4D in both personality and looks. Freaky, no? I got to take the heat, again. What an attitude problem, this reluctant zombie witch. She'd make en excellent challenge for Medusa to fight. Speaking of which, i might draw another pic of her, but first I need to finish that romance sketch that I want to do. What a cute couple.

As i look to my looming sentence, I have no regrets or fear. I will just come back cos God is faithful. Something is certainly different from the other times I have been thru with death sentences and stuff. Cos i'm walking by faith. I'm not scared this time.

I will see you all, and maybe give a nice suprise of sum'fin. Doesn't faith of God rock?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Just my imagination,

The drone,no, disturbances of the foreign voices, the voices of hate, of discord, of disapporval, They can be blocked out - ableit with much effort. I don't really see myself as being that much an expert in that, and some can indeed attest to it.

But, I'm thankful for the blessign of my imagination. What is it? It's the source of everything I create, what i want to create as well. Just as much a fortress from the angry voices from home. Imagine a garden, one of those Japanese walled gardens, at night. And reading stuff under the moonlight - Thats touching, thats nature as it should be best appreciated. I wonder how ppl like nature in the form of muddy rainforests. I will get that too, butI'd hope it passes quick.

Imagination, thank you.

No fun first, then no studying

Believe me if I say, I'm dying.

C'mon, look! Im soooo bored. Yadda-yadda, i know i should be studying but seriously! I need to relac myself. My philosophy says this: No fun first, then no studying! Im going back to erm, lets see, my primary school habit of reading a heck lot. but I have nothing really nice or new to read.... Plus I'm blocked, so i can't even make my own books. And annoying bugs keep buzzing around my head each time i try to draw. I wont draw on my bed, unless I like having eraser bits on my pillow and stuff.

I'm dying, that is; for a good read. Help me out here plzz.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Friday night..... TGIF in a way, no?

I never knew things would turn out like this. Stuff warnt so different; lessay in primary school or smth? I have seen - well,something that hmm... Che Guevera or Chairman Mao would so hate.

I am so wrecked out from the week. But stuff has good points lah. Im done with some IAs at the very least. Can I complain of boredom? I'm still blocked even when i finish my IAs. Lookie it this way, i cant find ways to conclude chapters or add new ones. Of course, i could write anachronically..... But i've been encouraged to write chronogically so how?

This is Friday night, and i'm bored.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Doctor EVIL

Anybody watched Austin Powers? Nope? Never mind me then, ever the slacker and movie watcher.....


What does above word bring to you mind eh?

I shall put this forth, my own opinion. Its called, homework, called IA, or alternatively Insane Asswipe-worthy-stuff.

THen conmes insane and demented doctor. I dont tink i wanna do medical school after all.... Eh...Cos i might be EVIL too if i went to med school...... EVIL - Not in my agenda. Can't I just be a normal anti hero? Thats cool, thats less spastic than faux(or real) wierd accents and sinister plans to make the world population a statistic. of the doom of people, increasing exponentially over the years.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


This makes more posts then my blog preceding this one (this nice one, the one with the Rider heheh). If my memory is good, and it is - with non-work stuff that is, then I should be trying to buy candles and matches (wait,im poor. no money for lead or erasers. sianz.). Pyromaniac? No ppl, no. Just a little - whaddaya call it - Birthday celebration! *insane laughs* All righty. Today, the usual pe with sinestro, or at least his lookalike. Not convinced? Search on google a picture of 'sinestro', you'll find he looks like this guy.

Random words/phrases of the day-
investments. assault and flattery. meat. acting cute. money. life is fair. green. endangered species. blur. tai-tai.

Could go for a poem right now, but no thanks. i shall listen to an instru song, and write down what comes to my mind when it plays, without lyrics.

The moon is shining, and apparently, blood and water drip together.
Chaos as a girl breaks down in her nightmare, realising everything has fallen away as her tormentors smile.

ahh. i give up. I will resume it another time then.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Now, the number of posts up on this newer blog equals that of my old blog. Heheh. Anyway, nobody should worry about the other post, the one before this one. That was random stuff (trademarked Yours Truly), so nobody except well, one in particular woud find that anything significant really.

Lemme see..... I did go out today, but strangely i seem to have more to blog about when i dont do anything. Boredom creates my blog posts, mostly. Less of the emotional stuff. Hmm.. There was lunch with parents, there was L4D. Hmm. well, this time, nobody died. Woots.

I need to do 1984 thingy now.

P.S. I need more nice Rider pics on my blog!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


we are even. from me, that is the best you will get. expect no more.


Thanks a lot, Yuki, and thanks a lot, Van.... I now have something to post for today, lol.

Once you are tagged.
Answer all the questions honestly, no lying to avoid stuff.

starting time: 1051

name: Alwyn

sisters: none at all

brothers: three, all halfsies

eye Color: black

shoe size: 10

hair: black

piercings: none

height: 170

what are you wearing right now?
white shirt and black shorts.

where do you live?

favorite number: 11, 14

favorite drink: green tea

favorite month: september, november and december

favorite breakfast: nothing

***********Have You Ever***********

broken a bone: almost.

been in a police car: nope.

been on a plane: yes.

been in a hot tub: yes. Can i go to japan?

swam in the ocean: yes

fallen asleep in school: only every day since sec 3....

broken someone’s heart: yes.

cried when someone died?: yeah.

fell off your chair: yes.

sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: and as a result, lost sleep.

saved e-mails: yeah.

been cheated on: no.

***********What is************

your room like?

what is right beside you?
myself. and my possessions.

what is the last thing you ate?
a red bean pastry.

———————-Ever Had- ————————-

chicken pox: yes.

sore throat: yes.

stitches: almost.

broken nose: yes

————————-Do You————————–
believe in love at first sight?
not really.

like picnics: picnics in Monglolia only.

wear contact lenses or glasses?
Glasses... more comfy and better-looking?

who was the last person you danced with?
i havent danced.

who last made you smile?

did you last yell at?
i think it ws de zhong. or was it kurt? nonono. Kurt it was.

———-Final Questions————-

what are you listening to right now?
a japanese song....

what did you do today?
nothing related to work. haha

hate someone in your family?

diamond or pearl?

are you the oldest?
the youngest.

indoors or out doors?
indoors ftw
——————Today did you———————-

1. talk to someone you like?
not yet.

2. kiss anyone?

3. get sick?

4. sing?

5. talk to an ex?

6. miss someone?
could be.

7. eat?
just 2 hours ago

—————-Last person who——————

8. you talked to on the phone?

9. made you cry?
my dad.

10. went to the movies with?

11. you went to the mall with?
amos and wan feng?

——————Have you——————-

19. been to Mexico?

20. been to USA?


21. have a crush on someone?
erm....ok. dint they say above "final questions"?

22. what books are you reading right now?
recent reader's digest

23. best feeling in the world?

24. future kids names?
hmmm. Could try Medusa.... nah. Try Ciel? Or Medea, or Karyn, or Attila.

25. do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

26. what’s under your bed?

27. favorite sport(s) to watch?

28. favorite place:
hmm. could be anywhere where i can be free.

32. who do you really hate?
shallow, materialistic people.

33. do you have a job?

37. What time is it now?


Now, here's what you're supposed to do...and please do not spoil the fun. Create a new note, copy and paste this message, delete my answers and type in your answers. Then tag a few good friends and family INCLUDING the person who tagged you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known things about your friends and family. Have FUN!

1. Real name: Alwyn
2. Like it: Alwyn, or ishige
3. Single or taken: single
4. Zodiac sign: Virgo
5. Male or female: male
6. Age: 16
7. Height: 170
8. Lucky number: 11, or 14
9. Eye color: black
10. Hair color: raven black.
11. long or short: short hair
12. Marital status: single.
13. Are you a health freak: not at all.
14. Where is question 14?: somewhere over the rainbow?
15. Do you have a crush on someone: ahhh.
16. Do you like yourself: in vain or selfish way? not really.
17. Piercings: nope.
19. Righty or lefty: left handed.
20. Favorite color: black, gold, indigo
21. Least favorite color: dont really have.


22. first kiss: nobody.
23. first piercing: none.
24. first best friend: hmmm i think i forgot....
25. first award: 1st in class for 2002
26. first sport: badminton
27. first pet: turtle
28. first vacation: london
29. first car: nope.
30. first crush: it was like 9 years ago.


31. what time is it: 1116
32. where are you: at home.
33. wish: for my own little corner of the world to have my rules implanted?
34. about to: yawn
35. listening to: japanese?
36. waiting for: lunch maybe...
37. wearing: a white shirt and a pair of shorts?
38. annoyed about: IA
39. eating: air
40. drinking: air


41. want kids?: yeah.
42. want to get married?: erm,yea
43. careers in mind?: doctor - unrealistic, journalist/editor - better, psychologist - similar to the doctor ting
44. dream car?: a beemer.


45. lips or eyes?: Eyes, definitely
46. hugs or kisses: either?
47. shorter or taller: shorter to about same height also can
48. tan skinned or light: lighter to about same color as me also can
49. romantic or spontaneous: could be both.
50. dark or light hair: dont matter
51. built, fat, muscular, skinny, or normal: normal?
52. hook up or relationship: ? what did tat mean?
53. similar to you or different: similar to certain extent and different to certain extent can
54. trouble maker or hesitant: not sure.


55. kissed a stranger: oh definitely not.
56. drank bubbles: bubble tea u mean?
57. ate a crayon: YUCK.
58. lost glasses/contacts: I broke a pair once.... 8 years ago.
59. climbed up a tree: halfway, then half-jumped back down.
60. broken someone's heart: yeah...
61. been arrested: no.
62. turned someone down: for a romance? yes, and for other things too.
63. cried when someone died: yeah...
64. liked a friend as more than a friend: yup.


65. yourself: hardly....
66. miracles: they happened to me b4.
67. ghosts: I think so...
68. love at first sight: i kinda doubt it actually.
69. santa claus: if by santa you mean men dressing with big white beards giving presents for commercialism, then yes.
70. heaven and hell: yea
71. kissing on the first date: nvr happened to me, so i dont know.
72. God: yes.


73. Is there one person you want to be with right now? : right now? dont think so
74. Who is it?: dint i say ' i dont think so?'
75. Do you kiss on the first date? : no
76. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? : no.
77. Last time you flossed? : a week ago.
78. Last time checked for STDs? : never?
79. Fart in public? : come on, everybody does. If you go to a deserted public toilet to dart, its still conisdered public.....
80. Flirt with your friends boyfriend or girlfriend? : thats despicable!
81. Cheat on a partner? : see above, qn 80
82. Whats under your bed? : my old books and stuff.
83. Last time you cleaned your toilet? : that was sunday.
84. Ever sprout hairs on your chin? : ? a goatee?
85. Does the carpet match the curtains?: the wooden floor doesnt match the cloth curtains!
86. Last kiss? : dunno.
87. Last booty call? :what the **** is it?
88. 7th text received? van: watch me on da and i'll watch you lol. and remove the essa!
89. 4th missed call? : Zoe
90. Last comment received? : not sure.
91. Sleep with a stuffed animal?: no. dint this repeat?
92. Last time you cried? day before yesterday.
93. Pee in pools?: thats Disgusting!
94. Ever stolen something?: i have stolen little specks of atoms from my friend's pen when i touched it.
95. Ever drink milk from the carton?: hmm. When its aboutto finish, yes.
96. Mad at anyone?: Could say that....
97. Ever rock a mullet?: I dont like mullets. or goatees.
98. Last tuxedo worn?: wedding i guess/
99. Last video game played: L4D?



[ ] you love hoodies
[x] you love jeans
[ ] dogs are better than cats
[ ] its hilarious when people get hurt
[x] you've played with boys on a team
[x] shopping is torture
[x] sad movies suck
[x] you own a XBOX (i wish.)
[ ] you played with Hot Wheels as a little kid
[ ] at some point in your life you wanted to be a firefighter
[ ] you own a DS PS2 or SEGA (i wish too...)
[ ] you used to be obsessed with Power Rangers
[ ] you watch sports on TV
[x] gory movies are cool
[ ] sometimes you go to your dad for advice
[ ] you own like a trillion baseball hats
[ ] you used to/do collect pokemon
[ ] baggy sweat pants are nice to wear
[ ] its kind of weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people
[x] green, black, red, blue or silver are one of your favourite colours.
[ ] sports are fun
[x] you sometimes talk with food in your mouth
[ ] you sleep at night with your socks on
[ ] you have fished at least once

total is 8


[ ] you like to shop
[ ] you wear eyeliner
[ ] you wear the color pink.
[x] sometimes you go to your mum for advice
[ ] you consider cheerleading a sport
[ ] you hate wearing all black
[ ] you like going to the mall
[ ] you like getting manicures and/or pedicures
[ ] you like wearing jewelery
[ ] you cried watching The Notebook
[ ] skirts are a big part of your wardrobe
[ ] shopping is one of your favourite hobbies
[ ] you've seen Star Wars and don't like it some of it
[ ] you do/did gymnastics
[ ] it takes you around one hour to shower and get dressed
[ ] you smile a lot more than you should
[ ] you have more than 10 pairs of shoes
[ ] you care about what you look like majority of the time
[ ] you like wearing dresses whenever you can
[ ] you like dancing/do dancing
[ ] you like high heel shoes
[ ] you used to play with dolls as a kid
[ ] you like putting makeup on others
[ ] you like being the star of almost everything
[ ] pink is one of your favourite colours

total is 1

multiply both scores by 4.

this makes no sense.

and then...

[x] You have yelled at an inanimate object for 'hurting' you.
[ ] You have ran into a glass/screen door.
[x] You have jumped out of a moving vehicle.
[x] You have thought of something funny and laughed, then people gave you weird looks.
[ ] You have ran into a tree/bush
[ ] You have been called a "blonde"
[x] You know that it IS possible to lick your elbow.
[ ] You just tried to lick your elbow.
[ ] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same rhythm
[ ] You sang them to make sure.
[x] You have tripped on your own feet and fallen.
[x] You have choked on your own spit. (hey, i do that loads.)
so far: 6

[ ] You have seen the Matrix/Star Wars and still don't get it
[ ] You type with three fingers or less.
[x] You have accidentally caught something on fire.
[x] You have caught yourself drooling
so far:8?

[x] You have fallen asleep in class.
[ ] Sometimes you just stop thinking.
[x] Sometimes when you are telling a story you forget what you were talking about
[x] People often shake their heads and walk away from you.
[ ] You are often told to use your "inside voice".

so far: 11?

[x] You use your fingers to do simple math.
[ ] You have eaten a bug accidentally.
[x] You are taking this test when you should be doing something more important.
[x] You have put your clothes on backwards or inside out, and didn't realize it.
[x] You've looked all over for something and realized it was in your hand/pocket the whole time.
so far: 15

[ ] You repost bulletins because you are scared that what they say will happen to you if you don't.
[x] You break a lot of things.
[x] You tilt your head when you're confused.
[x] You have fallen out of your chair before.
[ ] When you're lying in bed, you try to find pictures in the texture on the ceiling.
[x] The word "um" is used many times a day. (just used it)
[ ] You don't know what "um" means.
[x] You say "what" and "huh" a lot.
[ ] You used a calculator to multiply your score for this bulletin.
Total: 20


And if you use a calculator just put yourself as 100% Retarded.

so i am 60% retarded. Cool..... heheh.

and one more...

1. Alwyn
2. Wyn
3. Awlyn

917 mostly. Someone suggest me 2 more days then.....

1. do this thingy thats so long
2. blogged.
3. chatted on phone

1. call some random person
2. draw
3. write

1. Rider! haha
2. A pretty sword.
3. Fate/unlimited codes

1. Talking randomly
2. Collecting Rider stuff.
3. Drawing.

1. Kyoto
2. Tokyo
3. Mongolia

1. Green tea
2. Root beer
3. Coke.

1. a sketchbook
2. psp
3. pencil case

1. Black
2. Gold
3. Indigo

hmmm. Plaza Sing, any library, AMK hub

1. haha
2. Rider!
3. anything else Rider-ish

(i might as well ask people to do here.)
1. Zoe?
2. Amos?
3. De Zhong??

Rider! My life, and my imagination.

1. haha. Laughter, duh?
2. Long weekend!
3. new music

1. nothing better to do.
2. got tagged,
3. cos this makes a better substitute for work.

Thanks a lot, Van.....

Thursday, April 9, 2009


a pelt is the skin of an animal. Vikings hunt wolves who menace their villages, and display their pelts to look more manly, to show that they owned a wolf. Literally.

That was random, that was what i wanted to put up. So there. And bang!

I owuld have wanted to post a picture, but PETA will hate it, and so will WWF. So, no go for picture. Content with what i have,sorry.

Who got the answer to the question in my previous post? Eh? Anybody?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

nutrition sucks


took long enough to get chem over with. and an assorted bunch of crap, the essential nutiriton information on the packet of 'SCHOOL: HARDCORE SUPER-NO-LIFE EDITION'.

It was months ago when my friend heard of my going on to this here school im in right now. he laughed like an idiot and called me a noob. How stubborn i was then..... heheh. First thing that joker brought up was the 'dude,you're going to a reverse harem!YOU JOKE!'. i wonder if he remembered this too: the whole hardcore homework issue. thats the worrying bit.

Oh, on the way home, i actually saw something interesting. no no. its not some hot girl. who da heck cared about a random fmeale person on the bus anyway....? com'on, i saw an aunty in a TUBE-TOP before. That freak me out munz. whoa,im talking jamiacan. rasta! what i saw was just a mum with her kid. but that reminds me of motherly love. and of other unassociated scary things.

Here's a random question:
Which animal kills the most people in Egypt?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

lag this you....

To put this one up, i really needed to i dunno....realise how lag i am in everything in general. life, i am lagging behind in life. i hate this lag business. jet lag. Blah blah. I am complaining. Uber-lagged.

Oh, what....? Hahahah. i'm laughing....!?? im forcing myself to laugh!!!??! What the fook did happen.....? I dont know..... Haha. Ahh.... insanity my old friend. Come to talk to me in the night? I'm busy talking to somebody else. I'm busy. Oh then there's the 'life guru' man. I have the displeasure of him in my dreams and his fanciful swords. And my fanciful sword eh? Oh, the dreams of life, and death. I have died in my sleepy dreams then woke up for school.

*more laughing of a wierd nature*

Here's an excuse for not doing my work, this list of stuff thing.

90. First off, what's your name?
Alwyn, or Ishige-hakase

89. What did you do last night?

88. Do you have a best friend that you can talk to 24/7?
hmm im not sure. No?

87. Do you have any siblings?

86. How many years apart is your mum and dad?
a lot.

85. Do you like someone?

84. What does the 7th message in your text inbox says?
you know,you're kinda right.

83. Who sits beside you in maths?

82. Where is your dad right now?
watching tv in his room

81. Do you burn incense?
Not at all.

80. Do you have a problem?
oh yeah. A planet-load.

Who is the 5th person you got a missed call from?

78. Closest purple object?
A Rider figurine

77. Closest silver object?

76. Closest yellow object?
chem book. I HATE CHEM!

75. Do you sing in the shower?
my shower has no life.

74. Whats bugging you right now?
oh,like 77 diff things.

73. How does your hair look right now?
too short to be normal.

72. Do you know all the words to Star Spangled Banner?
not from the states,pardner.

71. When is the last time you said the pledge of allience?

70. If you could kill someone, who would it be?
only one person? Well, a certain skinny guy with a katana.

69. Do you have any fears?
too many.

68. What do you hear now?
intense music.

67. Do you like kangaroos?
only in australia.

66. Can you roll your tongue?
thats a yes.

65. What are you wearing now?
heavy glasses, a white shirt, and shorts. and a frown,.

64. Who was the last person to message you?

63. Do you like emo kids?

62. Scremo or country?

61. Rock or rap?

60. Polka or Disco?
Disco fo shizzle

59. Flying or motorbike?
actually, how about them combined?

58. Who last called you?

57. Was your Valentine's day nice?

56. What are you doing now?
SOmething other than work

55. Who was the last person you said I love you to?
tricky question, well, Rider.

54. Would you die for someone?
Not rider,but yes for somebody else.

53. Would you date anyone from your work?
I dont work, so i wont know.

52. Do long distance releationships work?
no i think its screwed up.

51. Do you have any pet peeve?
quite so.

50. Do you have to pee now?

49. When did you last talk to your siblings?
3 weeks ago

48. What are you doing tomorrow?
home work and prac. i hate them both.

47. Do you worry about getting older?
all the time,

46. Have you ever had an ingrown toenail?

45. Do you pick your scabs?
when under stress.

44. Ever drink your blood?
its for cleaning the blood off my wounds if i have them.

43. Do your bandaids have cartoons over them?
dont use them,cos i dont have them

42. Do you bite your nails?
they're too hard to bite....

41. Do you wax your eyebrows?
no,i saw this guy who did it and he looks like a freak.

What the hell happened to 40? 0.o

39. Do you check for celebrity gossip?
the're celebs, i dont care.

38. Do you have a jar where you keep your loose change?
no its all over the place

37. Do you own a pogo stick?
never once.

36. Ever gone a whole day without eating something?
i daresay yes.

35. Do you own ripped jeans?
not yet.

34. What makes you mad?
many things.

33. What would you do if you find out your adopted?
nothing would change really. I think i am anyway.

32. Are you jealous a lot of the time?
too much,yeah.

31. Do you use a calender or day planner to schedule everything on?
going to,but i procrastinate.

30. Are you OCD?
no cos i heck care.

29. Do you have ADD?
i suspect....

28. Do you have low self esteem?
its low all right.

27. Who can make you laugh during your hardest time?
nobody. i force my laughter.

26. What was the last thing you watched on tv?
well, it was the simpsons.

25. When was the last time you had professional pictures taken?
never before.

24. Have you done a whitening treatment on your teeth?
a year ago,yes.

23. Whats your favourite movie?
Letters From Iwo Jima

22. Who do you love?
definitely not myself. of course it has to be a girl.

21. Whats playing on your mp3 player right now?

20. What holiday is your birthday closest to?
China Day! haha

19. Whats your favourite drink?
Green tea.

18. Do you own any big sunglasses?

17. Bed sheet colour?

16. Ever encountered a shark?
in my dreams,yes.reality,sorry but no.

15. Has anyone sing or played for you personally?
yes,to my embarassment

14. Have you ever bungee jumped?
i havent.

13. Where was the last place you went to beside your house?
the printing shop.

12. Whats the first thing you notice about the same sex?
their obsession with being buff.

11. Is it hard to express your feelings to someone?

10. Why are people such self centred beings?
coming from a cynic, its because they know not love as it should be, and they dont care about learning about others.

9. Are you sad?

8. Are you happy?

7. Favourite day of the year?
my birthday.

6. Have you ever licked someone's cheek?
oh no.

5. Watched all spiderman movies?

4. What are you looking forward to?

3. Favourite lucky charms marshmallow?
no i dont know this.

2. Have you ever ridden in a limo?

1. Do you want to get married.
yes, but not now and not to someone i dont like.

I tag whoever that wants to do it.

Monday, April 6, 2009

The cigarette cowboy thing

I think baguettes are nice. Something i read might have caused me to change my mind, but it sorta changed then changed back again. silly huh....? Allright, the eq needs up. But i cannot for the rest of things?

Oh, and i took this quiz. for which fate stay night character are you.

I got this:


You always think about the past, but you are a strong, determined person.You regret about something in the past and strive to fix it. You are a very good swordsman.

Might be true. The regretting my past thing maybe.

well, this might be the cliche movie scene time when i light a cigarette and tell you about my tragic past. But i dont like smoking, and im not a cowboy. So no go. Heheheh. No hard feelings.

Friday, April 3, 2009


What exactly did I see? What did my overactive eyes and heart do? What did they pick up? It's dark here. It's always dark. All important things I do, all done at night. Always dark. But, isnt darkness a creation by the Maker and Engineer of Life as we knew it? It isnt bad. But it is associated with less than good things. I don't know.

Yesterday on my way home, I fell asleep on the bus after i got on. I dreamt of an inescapable destiny where all good promise counts to nothing. I dreamt, of being led to my unwanted looming destiny while I weakly - or not at all - resisted. An eternity, or so it will seem, with something low, low indeed? I am being cruel, yeah. Could I help it? Could anybody help it? Maybe its because of others' being busy. I don't know. I fled without finding out. The same way he 'sort of fled' and threw himself into battle, into duels; hoping to have something to stand with. An association with heroism. What is the point of heroics? You just need to save someone. That makes you a hero too. Selfish maybe, but a hero still.